Saturday, October 3, 2009

As Goes the Scout, So Goes the World

So my son, a webelo scout this year, is out in the neighborhood, right now, selling popcorn for their annual fundraiser.

Poor kid.  I think selling popcorn for $9, the cheapest -- for a couple handfuls of caramel corn -- is a tough sell, I don't care how cute he looks in his plaid hat.  Yet, people, God bless 'em, buy the stuff.

So a note of thanks to the buyers of all these somewhat useless and very overpriced items . . .

Blessed are the buyers of the $20 tins of flavored popcorn, the $10 rolls of reversible wrapping paper (And, really, what is the purpose of this?  You can only show one side of wrapping paper at a time!  For that amount of money, I would rather have two rolls of one-sided wrapping paper.), the $14 tubs of cookie dough, and the $7 boxes of mediocre cookies.  From one consumer to another . . . we both know you are not getting what you've paid for.  But from the parent of a hard-selling little scout, thanks . . . with your good-natured purchase of a highly overpriced item, you are keeping the faith of a still-innocent little boy and you are restoring mine.

Despite my occasional flushes of worry and doubt, people are still mostly kind and good.



missy said...

I have two nephews both selling at the same time of course. So I feel like Noah because it's 2 at a time. Now what will I do with all this popcorn?

LemonyRenee' said...

I feel for you, Missy, because I think the stuff is beyond expensive and, let's face it, nothing anyone really needs.

I have one neighbor who starts with, "Let's see . . . I still have the stuff from last year in the cupboard, what kind was that again?" Ugh. She proceeds to call me, then, later that week so I can thank her again and then I don't hear from her for another year. LOL The things we do for our kids.

createdbykylie said...

I was once a girl guide selling overpriced and rather unappealing biscuits. I feel for your boy, I hope he did well. I am enjoying looking around; I am a fellow Blogtoberfester, which is how I found you. I hope you’re enjoying Blogtober, I am. See you around the festival, Kylie.

Cat said...

Your little boy looks very sweet there doing his selling. I hope that he had fun and that his selling was successful.:)

Becky said...

I thought of you and yours yesterday as I walked into the grocery store, past a table "manned" by adorable young boy scouts. They were gone by the time I left the store. As for what to do with the popcorn, I'd toss it into a food bank box and bless someone else's day. That's a win-win for everyone :-)!

Unknown said...

Okay, Renee, you made me cry! Seriously! Next time a boy scout comes to the door I am so buying one his overpriced goods!


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