Don't they understand that pictures are essential to so many blogs?
Decorating blogs need pictures in order to communicate. Same with any and all crafting blogs . . . any lifestyle blogs, too.
I just can't believe it.

April Fool's!
My attempt to find balance with the sweets, and the sours, of life.
Ouch, you got me!
You're bad! I almost scurried over to read the "rules"!
Happy April Fools Day!
My weather man tried an April's fools joke this a.m. He said we were gonna get 2-4 inches of snow Easter Sunday. Oddly enough, he just said yesterday that we were expecting a high of 85F on Sunday!
Oh, I was gonna say, one pic per post was fine....but expect 3-7 posts per day! LOL
Boy, I was about to say shoo. Good one, Renee'..Happy April Fool's day!
You got me - I was just wondering where you had read that! Ha! My son rang this morning with a serious voice (age 28) and said had I heard the news that the trains were all on strike, so he wouldn't be able to get home (from London to the North of England) tonight as planned .My heart sank...then I remembered the date! Got twice - that's bad!
Naughty girl!!!! You almost gave me a heart attack.
Ooo you cheeky wotsit. I nearly fell over when I saw that NOOOOOOOOOO!
You had me feeling sorry for you for a minute!!!
You got me!! I had trouble uploading pictures this morning so I was really thinking this was true!! LOL! Good one!
Dang it Rene, you got me!!! I must be so gulible. Today the radio DJ was saying how Idaho lawmakers were going to pass a law that all children under the age of sixteen wear a helmet in cars. Can you imagine getting a 13-16 year old girl to cover her pretty locks with a helmet, well I totally fell for it. And I thought, and just how are they going to enforce this
I guess that would be hub's problem. lol
I'll get you back someday!
Dear Renee,
You had me! I was ready to comment and ask where you heard this and as I scrolled down, noticed this was your April Fools joke.
Wishing you all the very best,
Dear Renee,
You had me! I was ready to comment and ask where you heard this and as I scrolled down, noticed this was your April Fools joke.
Wishing you all the very best,
I was sitting here saying
" WHAT ?" !!!
You have an award over at my place - come and pick it up !
You got me too, well done:)
That was a good one Renee. But you are bad!
Well, here it is..April 3rd..and you still got me!
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