I lose a little more respect for my family each time I clean out the refrigerator. No really. Who lives like this? Who? Are we a pack of raccoons? Squirrels? Who saved all this stuff? And who wasted all this stuff? For example, not one, but two jars of applesauce-- moldy? Two?? One is bad enough, but two?
And who bought the tube of pesto? A tube. Of pesto. We're more of a "pour and go" family. Jars. I buy toothpaste in tubes and that's about it. And bigger tubes than that.
And all those little ketchup and mustard packets? Do we really think we're going to use those? We're going to dig those out from under the giant ketchup bottle that rests on top of all those pitiful, little packets? Sure we will. And how did those get in there in the first place? Perhaps they spawned from the ketchup and mustard bottles, together, right next to each other. I don't know.
All questions for minds quicker than mine.
And here's another one . . .
How does all that lint get in there? Who is changing their clothes in the refrigerator!? That's not that far-fetched, you know. The smell that prompted this latest cleaning tirade conjured images of my son's wadded up socks smoldering in the lettuce crisper. It turned out to be the butter.
Don't ask me. Quicker minds, I told you.
So true!! I cringe sometimes when I have to look for something in the back of the fridge (shutter).
LOL, I guess you know I do, too! How 'bout the produce bag with 2 grapes left in it???
This morning I found a plate with foil over it. I was afraid of peeling back the foil to see what was on it LOL! It wasn't too bad - just a couple of pieces of meatloaf leftover from....last week sometime? Yes, those bags in the produce drawer are scary!
What about the empty containers? and of course there are the refrigerator rules-like the "less than an inch" of milk or juice rule-you don't have to throw it out, if there is less than an inch left in bottom of container. Funny thing is that applies to toxic wastes too-the "container" is considered clean if less than one inch of residue in bottom....
at least you don't have a dead hummingbird in your freezer like I do-I keep forgetting to take it to work to make into a study specimen...lol
Note to self: Never root around in a biologist's freezer. Never.
OMG I am cringing here....but why I am not surprised at the bird in Patti's fridge.
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