Today, I turned my sights to the ottoman and it's dirty, little secret . . . it houses a herd of dinosaurs, known in aged circles as VHS tapes. Yes, tapes. We bought tapes, can you imagine?
Space-wasters, easily damaged, and overly heavy when stored en masse. . . extinct some time ago, though many still lurk around my house.
Culling them today was an illuminating experience, bringing forth many, many questions. Like . . .
When in the world did I like that movie?
Have we ever watched this movie?
Why don't we ever watch this movie?
Why can't I just be honest with myself and admit that I don't get Doctor Zhivago!
So I thinned the herd considerably. (By the way, Hubbo, if you're reading this, you need to review your John Wayne collection, methinks.)
And I am left with still a number of these darned things . . . and yet more questions . . .
Are we the only ones with a VCR still hooked up?
And, the most burning question . . .
Why can't I let go of all of them?
Pathetic, I am.
What about you?

Darling we still have oodles of them and watch them too! We still have 2 VCRs.
We still have ours, but I adore the movies. I think most of them are keepers, but I do wish they were on DVD.
Sheila :-)
Over the years, I've replace my faves with dvds from online places where you can get them cheap, or from the 5 dollar bin at wally world.
All the rest, I donated to the Good Will.
And yes, we still have a vcr hooked up...
we still use ours to tape off the TV and have loads of tapes but we got rid o loads of films when we moved.
it's the nostalgia.........and the reluctance to get Sky+
we still have a few, mostly kids ones like the wiggles etc that really NEED TO GO. We don't even have a VCR anymore, or haven't done for the last 5 years or so.... hmmmmm
Hey! They're going to be very valuable collectors' items one day!
I'd say that as long as you have the VCR, the tapes are as good as anything...
LOL! Nope, no vcr, but I do still have some tapes! LOL! But I did just find some audio tapes! From HIGH SCHOOL! My friends and I got a chuckle on facebook since they were mix tapes we made each other...15+ years ago!
I, too, am in the process of ridding myself of clutter....I, too, hang on to stuff for way too long....I, too, probably am the only one besides you who has a VCR player....that is hooked up!! (O:(O:
haha - we don't have a VCR player anymore... hubby's decision not mine. I do miss playing some of the vidoes we have stored though!
Oh, I feel so much better knowing that I'm not the only one with shelves of VHS tapes. Half are Disney & kids. Just touching them brings back memories. Maybe that's why I can't get rid of them...even though we can't watch them because our VCR is broken. Smiles, Debbie
First off, thanks for identifying that blue dessert server for me.
I was just saying that I had to de-clutter on another blog comment! I need help! Yet I am still buying stuff! There's now hope for me. lol Actually i have started selling it all off!
VHS tapes? They'll be worth something......sometime!?
We still have our VCR hooked up, even though we probably haven't used it for over a year...
Great question. I have a huge Tupperware container full of'um.
I too have a VCR. It's built into my antique tv set. U know the one. The picture tube is ginormous and it won't die.
Yeah, purging is a good thing. Makes room for better stuff.
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