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Ah, there we go! Yes, Dr. Seuss, himself. Upon reading Sheila's post, I reflected momentarily on reading The Cat in the Hat to my kids. How they would laugh and laugh, and what pure joy it was to read aloud due to its brilliant rhythm. I smiled inside and then . . .
I went about my busy day. . .
And you won't believe what came my way!
Did you know I have a hen who looks like The Cat in the Hat?
Well, except with a beak and without the big hat.
Here, have a look,
At this queer-looking chook:
Well, I went out to visit
This great little Wizzit,
And would you believe it?
That's when I spied it!
There it was all a'wash in a sheen,
The so-written-of egg that really is green!
This was her first one, this egg so, so keen.
My hen, Dr. Seuss, most surely did glean.

Beautiful post and egg (pre-colored).
Happy belated birthday Dr. S!!
Great tribute.
I was a huge fan of that...and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish!
I"m thinking of getting a few Amerecauna hens. (sp?)
That is so awesome! I read green eggs and ham to the girlies for the first time this week. They LOVED it. Dr Seuss was a genius!
One egg with many more to come! Who will eat your Dr. Seuss' first egg?
I love Dr. Seuss, too. I read every Dr. Seuss book to my kids and still had most of them for the g'kids to enjoy. I also found he had written more books while my kids were growing up and they had the priviledge of reading the new books to their kids!
Also, Lemony Renee', I've been reading your posts...just don't usually comment...but I've loved every one of them.
Green eggs and ham ~ fave t~shirt.
Red Fish, Blue fish ~ the only names we ever call our betas.
Grinch~CLASSIC holiday must see.
Loved your post!
and My sons birthday also. He is a big Seuss fan, too
I'll keep my eyes open for a green pig so we can have green eggs and ham...maybe the ham doesn't have to be green, just the eggs.
Ah, Renee, you did a wonderful job of Dr. Seuss-esque writing!
Thanks for the smiles, and I love your green egg, Sam I Am :)
I must say that you are quite a poet. Isn't Dr. Seuss wonderful!
Thanks for such a cute post.
A little Cat in the Hat around the edges for certain! I vaguely heard it was his birthday. Thanks for the fun tribute!
Love his books.
you are a cleaver chook yourself! great post. made me smile
Wwwwww aaaaa ! I want that green egg ! Roxy is supposed to lay bluey green eggs and she doesn't - boring brown like the rest !
Oh how I adored Dr Seuss...
Sam I am - I would I could - I DID read him all the time !
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