1. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I have big holes in my life right now.
2. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent, what would it be? Sewing, I think. All my life, my mother wanted me to take sewing lessons. As a child and a teen, I could think of nothing more boring, but I should have listened to her.
3. Who is someone you would like to go back into your past and talk to and why? My grandmother. I miss her, I need her support and love, and answers to questions.
4. What is your favorite meal eating out? Oh, I don't know. We're pretty casual right now. A good fish & chips, maybe. Or a big cheesy pizza with all the time in the world.
5. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? Usually energized, assuming I know the people well. If they are new to me, or I to them, then I retreat a bit.
6. What word do you use far too frequently? I am ashamed to say, I still say, "Cool." It sounds really, really stupid coming from me at this point in my life . . . but I grew up saying it and it has been really hard to stop. Besides that, probably "absurd." I am finding a lot of absurdity in the world right now, aren't you?
7. What’s a word you’ve invented? Can't tell you until the patent comes through. ;)
9. What is your absolute favorite piece of furniture you have and why? I have an art deco dressing table. It is covered entirely in beveled mirrors, with bakelite handles, three-piece mirror, and mirror-covered bench. I love it, because I like to dream and muse about who got dressed at that table when it was new, what did the room look like, where she was going, what kind of make-up did it hold, what kind of jewelry? I could spend days musing about that. Unfortunately, a small corner got broken in our last move. Anyone know of a way to restore old piece like this? Do restorers replace old mirror with old mirror? The few I've talked to don't have any ideas.
Happy Saturday 9!

Thought I would come over and see what you are up to! I need to catch up on some of your posts, so I better get busy.
Love the answers to your questions.
Your dressing table sounds wonderful. You should take a photo of it for the blog. Sorry you're sad lately. I know the feeling, my friend.
Ok...where's No.8?...I have to know!
Cool will always be cool.x
Praying for your holes to be filled. xxx
I love reading these - think I may do this one myself.
G'day my friend ~ Today is a new day, with wonderful joys to be found. Look up, smile ...
Your dressing table we'd love to see a pics of ...
Will be back more often ... as you prob have noticed, we have been HEAD deep in construction on the new house & our house. We are now DONE! & so pleased in our accomplishments.
Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon
I think old mirrors are tricky to fix. Maybe find another mirror to replace it? Probably hard to find eh?
Until then place something in front of it....no one (but yourself) will know until you figure out what to do. Any pics of it?
Loved this Renee. I am so like that in crowds too. I am such a clown around family and siblings, but when I am not familiar with the group, I tend to be quite shy.
I thought your over-used word might be a swear word. LOL! Mine is! I say S*H*I*T waaay tooo much!
I'm not old enough to be your g'mother but ((((HUGS))) to you! Sounds like you are going through a very, hard and trying time, especially emotionally. If you need a shoulder and/or a sounding board, email me! Prayers continue...
With love,
Loved reading this. Big hugs! susie xxx
I would love to see a pic of the dressing table. I love art deco!!!
Can't share the word(s) I say way too often, but generally only in the office. Working at cleaning up my language.
Figure out what size mirror you need to replace the one that got broken, and then start scouring antique shops and flea markets for a piece that you could have cut down to fit what you need!
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